Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Had a good weekend, just some pics,
they are from Red Green Night and then hanging out with my friend Alice at the bars.

Sort of sad, she had to leave on sunday for home, then is leaving for Winder, Geogria for work. Don't know when I will see her next.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Theology on Tap

We started a new book for Theology on Tap last week, (for those who don't know Theology on Tap, ToT, is held a Brewer's Bar and Lounge) called Jesus by Walt Wangerin.

It is looking very good right know, only have read the first section so far though. it was told from Mary's perspective, looking at the child life of Jesus. We have the birth story, Jesus being left in Jerusalem after the Passover.

The next section is from the view of one of the Disciples.