Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Old Lady Thoughts

Found this blog post and thought I would share.

Harold isn't a Muslim either.

and for some fun,

Monday, October 13, 2008

TV Ads for the ELCA

I just finished watching the new TV ads made by the ELCA, I found them very interesting and thought provoking.

See the Ads here.

It is important to begin to use the avenue of television which has been so far dominated by mainly fundamentalist non-denominational groups that I feel are mainly concerned about personal growth and self satisfaction and tend to ignore helping those in need. Both of the ads speak to the two areas that are needed. Working with the needy of our nation and the needy of the world. Personal Growth is very important but the purpose of personal growth should be to then use that growth to help others, not just further help yourselves.

I would like to see further use of television within the ELCA. One random thought that I had once was would it be possible for the ELCA to work with other denominations to form a cable television channel. There are many non-denominational channels, and there is a Roman Catholic channel. I would find it interesting to create a channel across a broad range of main-stream Protestant denominations. Programming such as worship services from the different denominations, group discussions with theological leaders, and individual denominational programming.

In this increasing technological environment we need to begin to embrace and utilize this technology and this seems to be a good start.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

VP Debate and Economy Stuff

Random clips and stuff about the election and the economic downturn.

VP Debate:

From Crooks and Liars: The nights most powerful moment.

Couric and Palin Interview:

Saturday Night Live:



Daily Show: