Saturday, March 19, 2005

Spring Break Round up

Hey all,

Got back from Spring Break yesterday at 11:30, was exhasted but could not fall asleep until 1 because of the stupid energy drink I drank so I did not fall asleep while driving.

Trip was fun, went to Ohio with 14 other people from ULC. we were working on various projects near the towns of Syracuse, Pomeroy, and Middleport.

I worked on putting peg board over windows the first day to keep people from being able to see into the building.

the second day, Tuesday, I spent cleaning a fence, it was supposed to be a white plastic fence that we made white again.

Wed and Thur were spent putting wood paneling up in the church we were staying in. that was fun, It was nice to actually put something together.

More on this later,


Saturday, March 05, 2005


Sweet, Just got back from Des Moines where I met Harold from Red Green. it was Awesome, he signed a red green mug that I have and also a picture of him. I got a picture with him and the group that came down.

k, later

Friday, March 04, 2005

Whats up

Hey hey,

Just joined it's pretty neat.

Also, this is the first weekend in a while I have free, sweet.

ok next random statement, I am leaving for Spring Break next week friday, going to Ohio to work with Jackson Area Minitries (Similar to ASP) helping to build houses and other work. whole big group from Iowa State is going along

k, later

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

glad monday's done

well yesterday sucked,

left at 8:45 to go work on IE 441, went from that to MatE 362 at 11 went from there to work at 12 from work to ME330 at 4 from there to Act 284 at 5. that did not get done until 8 got back home around 8:10, left again at 8:50 for Theology on Tap, left that at 10:15 to go back on campus to work on IE 441 some more. Got back home at 12:30

spent 40 minutes at home from 9 to 12:30... fun
