Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tsunami: Wave of Disaster

Watching "Tsunami: Wave of Disaster" on the Discovery Channel right now, I have seen it a few times before, It is very well done, but this is just one of many documentaries made about this event, how many people are earning money off of this event. I know it is important to document this disaster so that people can learn from this and maybe help people there. But is the money received going just to the filmmakers and TV stations or is some going back to survivors or at least to rebuilding efforts.

It was spring break last week at Iowa State and some people from Lutheran Campus Ministry (still weird to say that instead of ULC ((Fritz thinks that LCM feels more inclusive))) had gone down to New Orleans to help. They mainly helped out with deconstruction, removing trash, refrigerators and such. I have been on such trips before, to the Appalachian area of the eastern US primarily to southern Ohio and the western tip of Virginia. It was a very rewarding experience, but some of the trouble we have had on such trips is the feeling that we are dong this for us, while it is for the people that we are helping. But we are also getting something out of is as well, we are gaining knowledge, emotions and experiences.


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