Sunday, August 27, 2006

Finally updating, greek and baseball

Hey all, yep I have finally updated, been awhile.

Well, I am now in Dubuque, IA. I have been here since mid July. Started Greek at Wartburg on the 20th and have three days left now. Well two and a half, we have class on Monday and Tuesday and then get our test after class on Tues. We have to turn it in by wed at noon. Greek has been fun, but intense. The course is a full years worth in 4 weeks. we have three hours a day in the morning and a test every week. I did decent on the first test and really good on the last 4 which is what I expected. The first week I spent most of my time working on vocab and the alphabet and not much on sentences, once I had the new alphabet down I could look at sentences more and get more practice.

Well, I was watching the Twins last night, it was a really good game but the cable I have does not get Fox Sports North or another channel that carries the Twins broadcast team, so I had to deal with the White Sox team, and to be polite, THEY SUCK!!, they are not terribly bad at play by play and color commentary, besides focusing on the White Sox and having no stuff to say about the twins, but really makes them bad is the continuous catch phrases they use.

After every homerun by the Sox "YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD ... YES!!!"

After every strikeout or big out "HE GONE!!"

and when saying the scores between innings before going to break "bad guys 8 sox 7"

And the fact that his nickname is "Hawk" seriously get a better one.

well the game went well, it was annoying when the twins kept on letting them back into it.

ok, laters

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