Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas blurbs

Hey all,

Christmas time blurbs,

Follow Santa at Norad.

My Friend Gloria's Internship church Gloria Dei created a free Music CD that is very good, a mix of devotional/worship music that can be listened to any time as well. It is called Hope for a Tree Cut Down. It can be found here.

I have two Christmas Eve Services that I am leading today, one at Faith Lutheran, and one at St. Luke. They are both candlelight services, I put together the Faith service myself, so hopefully it will go well.

My parents and sister are here for the week and then we will head up to my Grandparents for Christmas there. That will be fun, all the family except for two cousins will be there.

Laters, and Merry Christmas!


edit:fixed link to hope for a tree cut down

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erik,

The CD link you mentioned from your friend, Gloria, comes up with a message that says not to be found.